Tuesday, May 22, 2007

Times of Change- Vietnam in the 60s 2

What challenges does Jack Smith face as a soldier in Vietnam? (a bulleted list is fine)
No experiance in war and nothing can prepare you for war
Ground was very hard so it was hard to dig foxholes.
A mistake made was just strolling casually on a Sunday without guards and walking into a huge ambush.
Jack also has to deal with caring for the wounded and seeing all his friends dying.

How does Smith’s attitude toward war change?

When Smith had just enlisted he thought war was going to be a great "romantic: adventure. During the war he realized it was an extreme amount of dying and began to hate the people in charge of it and saying it was a mistake. After the war he realized life was good and that when you go to war you fight for your friends.

This song by Country Joe and the Fish became one of the first protest songs of the Vietnam Era. Read the lyrics to the song, and then respond to the following:

What is the song asking the “big strong men to do”?
He is asking the strong men to help Uncle Same again and john the fight in Vietnam.

… the “generals” to do?
He is asking the generals to kill the communists.

… “Wall Street” to do?
He is asking Wall Street to provide the Army with money and help with the war effort.

… “mothers” to do?
He is asking the mothers to send their boys to Vietnams so the can come home dead.

Write down four specific lines from the song that display sarcasm, cynicism, or anti-war sentiment.
It's five six seven,
Open up teh pearly gates,
Well there ain't no time to wonder why
Whopeee! were all gonna die.

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