Monday, May 21, 2007

Times of Change- Vietnam and the 60s

A Dubious Crusade, By James A. Warren
Dubious:means doubtful or uncertain in an outcome.
Crusade:any vigorous, aggressive movement for the defense or advancement of an idea, cause, etc
The title is related to the rest of the reading because the Vietnam War was a crusade but there was many people who did not believe in the war and were doubtful that the US would win. How do you think this will relate to the rest of our study if Vietnam? This we relate to the rest of our study of Vietnam because we will learn why there was doubt about fighting the war and we will learn if there should have been doubt based on the result.

History by Thuong Vuong-Riddick
The overall theme of Vuong-Riddick's History is in the history of vietnam there is always fighting and the Vietcong have prevailed.

The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution by Goldberg
What is the main thesis of the essay?
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution that brought the United States sparked and brought the US into the unoffical war may very well have been a lie.

What was the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution?
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution was made by President Johnson in front of congress in response to an attack on the US destroyer the Maddox.The resolution ugred congress to hold a meeting to approve thte defense of US's intrests in Vietnam.

What evidence does the author give to support his thesis?
The author says the Maddox was not damaged which makes it hard to believe there was an attack on it. The author also believes that Johnson made the lie to get the congress supporting his plan to help in vietnam.

How does this link to the theme of the first reading, “A Dubious Crusade”?
The Gulf of Tonkin Resolution relates to the theme of A Dubious crusade because therwas much doubt that there actually was an attack on the Maddux.

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